Hi there, my name is Greg and I am curious about all the brand new research that is coming out about the gut brain connection and the microbiome. I want to learn as much as possible about these topics so to begin I’m going to review Dr. Emeran Mayer’s book The Mind Gut Connection. This comprehensive review will be a multi part series available on the Nutriotix website and our Gut Health Facebook group. Join me in learning about the connection between our mind and our gut.

We are all looking to improve the quality of our life. Many of us suffer from depression or mood disorders. Science is looking to the gut microbiome to find answers about how our mind is connected via the gut-brain axis to the gut. Dr. Emeran Mayer’s book The Mind Gut Connection explores this fascinating topic. We are barely scratching the surface on research about how the mind and the gut microbiome are connected, but evidence is becoming apparent that as a species we may be able to treat neurological disease such as Parkinson’s through gut microbiome therapy. Links are also showing a connection between gut flora composition and patients with chronic depression.

The Mind Gut Connection

What Diet Leads to a Healthy Gut Microbiome?

Our gut is composed of trillions of tiny microorganisms, and their existence and diversity are determined by our diet. What we eat may be the cause of many brain disorders. This thought begs the question, “What diet is best?”  Dr. Mayer speaks about a diet high in plant-based complex carbohydrates. He explores negative impacts of diets that are high in animal-derived fat or refined sugars. 

Is the Mediterranean diet a pathway that can lead to the treatment of depression? Many Korean and Japanese diets consist of foods rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. These cultures also incorporate many naturally fermented foods and skimp on animal based fats. It’s interesting to question how many microorganisms people of these cultures ingest on a daily basis. There are many benefits to these types of traditional diets, such as longevity and overall cardiovascular and mental health.

The goal of my review of Dr. Mayer’s book is to better understand the relationship between the mind and our gut microbiome. I want to understand how the gut and the brain communicate. Do certain gut microorganisms thrive depending on what we eat? Is it possible that they are communicating with our mind to cause us to crave certain foods? This is certainly worth a discussion.

Join us on this journey and check out the book for yourself!  Read along with us if you like. You can then comment and share your views on this book and the subject of the gut and mind connection.

Introduction | Review & Discussion | The Mind Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer MD

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