Chapter 2 | Review & Discussion | The Mind Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer, MD
Our Gut Mirrors our Emotions Most of us can recognize human emotions. By this, I mean we can usually tell if another individual is happy, sad, or upset. I can…
We Know Our Health
Our Gut Mirrors our Emotions Most of us can recognize human emotions. By this, I mean we can usually tell if another individual is happy, sad, or upset. I can…
Hi there, my name is Greg and I am curious about all the brand new research that is coming out about the gut brain connection and the microbiome. I want…
Are our cravings controlled by the tiny little microorganisms that live in our gut? These tiny microorganisms, also called gut bugs, may be controlling our bodies more than we know.…
How Gut Health Affects Mood Even without a global pandemic, mental health problems are on the rise. Depression, anxiety, and constant stress are ever present in most people’s lives. From…
The Canary in the Coal Mine Did you know that coal miners used to place canaries in cages and take them deep down into the mine shafts with them as…
Leaky Gut – The Solution for Life! Last week we started with a discussion on what Leaky Gut was and what might be at the root of why it happens.…
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