UK Launches Website for New Health Education Building

ByJudson Sheahan

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 8, 2022) — A new website is available to provide ongoing and updated information about construction of the University of Kentucky Health Education Building (HEB).

The building will be the future site of world-class medical education facilities for the UK College of Medicine as well as house programs and services associated with the UK Colleges of Public Health, Health Sciences and Nursing. This new facility will be the hub for health education and prepare the next generation of health leaders to help Kentuckians, and everyone, live longer, healthier lives.

Groundbreaking for the building is expected to be in early 2024 with completion in late 2026.

“In our commitment as the University of Kentucky for Kentucky, and with our vision for a healthier Commonwealth, it is vital that we continue to expand and enhance programs for learners across the health care continuum in a transdisciplinary way to continue to grow a high-quality health care workforce for Kentucky,” said UK Provost Robert DiPaola, M.D.

In April, the state legislature approved the budget, which includes $250 million in state bonding authority that — along with funding from university sources — will be allocated for the construction of this new building.

Recently, Turner Construction Company was selected as the project construction manager. Turner’s presence in Kentucky dates back to the construction of a concrete mill for American Woolen Company in 1924. Since that time, they have completed more than $1.1 billion worth of construction projects throughout Kentucky, ranging in value from $100,000 to $450 Million. Their portfolio of work includes projects of varying complexity for clients such as UK, Toyota Motor Manufacturing of North America, Kentucky Speedway and the Army Corps of Engineers.

The architects and designers for the project also have been selected. JRA Architects and HOK will help establish the health education building as a cutting-edge facility with state-of-the-art technology and modern design, enhancing the educational experience for the next generation of health care leaders in Kentucky.

JRA Architects is a Lexington-based firm with over 75 years of experience and HOK has used its planning and design expertise — including architecture, interiors, health care consulting, lab planning and design, medical education planning, and engineering — to help create and enhance academic medical environments for more than 65 years.

To follow the progress of the HEB, visit