Health department performs 27 food inspections

ByJudson Sheahan

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ELIZABETHTOWN — The Bladen County Health Office executed a total of 27 inspections of location food items provider internet sites in April.

Following are the grades from those inspections — such as day, area and quality. No unique violations are provided.


April 1: Barefoot’s Sandwich Shoppe, Elizabethtown, 97.5

April 4: Subway, Bladenboro, 95.

April 5: El Patron Grill, Elizabethtown, 91.5

April 6: Foods In addition, Bladenboro, 95.

April 7: Jeffrey’s Bistro, Dublin, 96.5

April 8: Maya’s Crabshack, Kelly, 95.5

April 9: B&C Catering, Tar Heel, 96.

April 11: Subway, Tar Heel, 91.

April 13: Subway, Clarkton, 97.

April 14: Subway, White Lake, 96.

April 20: Randaveu Pizza, White Lake, 97.

April 26: Minuteman No. 18, Tar Heel, 90.5

April 27: McDonald’s, Elizabethtown, 92.5

Food stands

April 8: Delighted Mart/Hunt Bros. Pizza, Elizabethtown, 89.

April 11: U-Halt Industry, Tar Heel, 88.5

April 12: Dominoes, Elizabethtown, 89.

April 12: J&R’s Grill, Tar Heel, 93.5

April 26: Increase-n-Fry Chicken & Seafood, Tar Heel, 94.

Meat industry

April 13: Clean Foods, Clarkton, 93.5

Cell food items device

April 25: All-American Griddle, White Lake, 93.

Rest home/nursing property cafeteria

April 19: Bladen East Overall health & Rehab, Elizabethtown, 90.

Concession stands

April 8: Tar Heel Dixie Youth, Dublin Subject, permitted

April 8: Dublin Dixie Youth, Dublin, permitted

April 11: Bladen County Parks & Rec (two web sites), Elizabethtown, permitted

April 23: Clarkton Dixie Youth, Clarkton, permitted

April 25: Elizabethtown Dixie Youth (two web pages), Elizabethtown, permitted

Residential care

April 4: Convenience Living, Bladenboro, provisional
