Health Benefits of Sleeping on a Floor

ByJudson Sheahan

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A mattress is often unable to keep our bodies upright while we sleep.

If you are suffering from back pain, a mattress would be too soft for your body weight and can increase your pain.

Most people reading this will be acquainted with the concept of sleeping on a comfortable bed with a mattress but you will be amazed to know that there are cultures around the world where sleeping is associated with a hard floor. The popularity of minimalist living has also inspired people to get rid of their beds and sleep on the floor but there are some health advantages too.

The most important benefit of sleeping on a floor is the correct posture our body is subjected to. A mattress is often unable to keep our bodies upright while we sleep. It can also lead to reduced flexibility and incorrect alignment of the spine. It can be easier to keep the spine straight by sleeping on the floor and improved posture supports the natural curvature of the spine. However, you may need to use pillows to decrease pressure on your spine, such as placing a thin pillow beneath your lower back.

If you are suffering from back pain, a mattress would be too soft for your body weight and can increase your pain. Sleeping on a firm and hard surface can get you some relief from the pain.

Sleeping on the floor provides a cooler sleeping environment. When the floor is cold, your body heat quickly dissipates. This can make sleeping more comfortable for people who sleep overheated, especially during the hot summer months. People sleep better in a colder bedroom setting in general. This applies particularly to those, who do not have access to an air conditioner.

However, not everyone should be recommended to sleep on the floor. Elderly people, those with joint pains, who have problems standing up from the floor or those who have allergies should stay away from sleeping on the floor.

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home)

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