We are excited to announce that LK Nutrition will be offering 4 different virtual “mini groups” during the month of May on various topics related to nutrition/movement/body image. Pricing will be on a ‘pay what you can’ sliding scale rate of $25-$75 per group. Below is the current schedule with the featured group topic and “host.” If any of these pique your interest, please email us at [email protected] for more info. Space is limited as groups will be kept relatively small in size. ✨
Topic: Exercising During a Pandemic: Cultivating an Intuitive Movement (and Resting) Practice while Navigating the Challenges of Increased Pressure for At-Home Workouts
Date: Saturday, May 9th, 2-3pm
Host: Lindsay Krasna
Description: How can you honor your body’s authentic desire to move — and rest — during a pandemic, without letting increased cultural pressure shame or fear you into working out? We will discuss the concept of Intuitive Movement, the benefits of rest, specific challenges around movement during this time, setting boundaries around unhelpful media and diet/weight talk, and body diverse/accessible resources for an Intuitive Movement practice.
Topic: Body Respect: Function Over Form During COVID-19
Date: Saturday, May 16th, 1:30-2:30pm
Host: Chelsea Levy
Description: Looking for body image support during these challenging times? Join Chelsea Levy to learn more about how cultivating respect for your body functionality (rather than the look of your body parts) can enhance body appreciation and improve body image in the age of COVID-19. Participants will be invited to reflect on their inner dialogue about their bodies and will learn how to re-frame unhelpful body thoughts into less judgmental, more supportive ones.
Topic: Neutral Nutrition Education
Date: Thursday, May 21st, 5-6pm
Host: Ashley Perrone
Description: Dive into evidence-based nutrition education with registered dietitian, Ashley Perrone. We will take a look at nutrients, their functions inside the body, and how they play a role in the foods we eat. Continue the exploration into the ways common “nutrition messages” mix up the facts and interfere with our ability to connect with and take care of our own bodies. The intention of this group is for group participants to learn and discuss what roles nutrition plays in the foods they eat and how we can honor our needs, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Topic: TBD (but we promise it’ll be good1)
Date: TBD
Host: Kimmie Singh
Description: Coming soon!