What an awesome goal.. Get Fit For Your 40th Birthday. That is what Babir wanted to do during this transformation. At one point Babir was 220 lbs. It was not a healthy place for him and he knew he needed to make change. He just didnt feel good and was on course for something much worse. He lost quite a bit of weight on his own then reached out to take his body to the next level.

Get Fit For Your 40th Birthday
I could not be more proud of him for the dedication and hard work he put in during his transformation. He not only got healthy and fit but he got VISIBLE ABS.. I heard stories about how his journey was inspiring people around him.. Thats what its all about
Lose Belly Fat

Lose Belly Fat
Babir’s Results
Very Beginning Weight 220 lbs, Weight started with Hitch Fit 168.5 lbs , Final Day Weight 143.8lbs
Body Fat % Start 16.61%, Finished At- 7.68%
Stomach Measurement Start 33″, Finished at 29″
(His favorite plan – )

Lose Back Fat
Babir’s Story
I have been pretty much unhappy with my health status for many years. It was further confirmed when my doctor in my yearly check up told me that my cholesterol is so high he would have to put me on medicine and I’m in danger of having a heart attack at any moment. That really gave me my why to start taking my health seriously and become selfish and put my health first.
Fit Over 40

Healthy And Fit
I set a goal to lower my cholesterol which to my doctor’s shocked I did so what’s next how about getting a 6 pack when I turned 40? That’s what I exactly did thanks to Micah’s guidance. After going through Hitch Fit program I feel happier and more confident. And yeah got a six pack in my 40 😉
Get Fit For Your 40th Birthday.. NAILED IT
Hitch Fit Transformation

Hitch Fit Transformation
Program Choice: Fitness Model