Eat a Variety of Foods Each Day
Confused about Canada’s new Food Guide? We’ve got you covered! Our posts during March – which just happens to Nutrition Month – will be all about the Food Guide. Our aim is to clear up any misunderstanding (maybe you’ve heard the Food Guide says we shouldn’t eat meat?) and give you practical tips for following the eating pattern the Food Guide recommends. Here’s what we’ve got planned:
March 6: “Eat protein foods“
Natalee will explain all about plant-based proteins and clear up the confusion about whether or not we should avoid animal foods.
March 13: “Choose whole grain foods”
What are whole grain foods anyway? Shannon will tell-all and give ideas for tasty ways to include them in meals and snack.
March 20: “Have plenty of vegetables and fruit”
Shannon will clarify the importance of these fine foods and reveal some interesting ways to eat more of them.
March 27: “Make water your drink of choice”
Michele will offer some insights for avoiding sugary drinks and give suggestions for ways to increase the status of the humble glass of water.
That’s our plan to help demystify Canada’s new Food Guide. If you’ve got specific questions about the Food Guide, send them along. We look forward to helping you navigate the new food guide and enjoy eating well.
Here’s the link to the Food Guide
Shannon, Natalee, Michele